Resysten HQ

Tel: +40 744 873 340
Tel: +36 30 663 1061


Forwarders Plaza
Tópark st. 3.
2045 Torokbalint

Worldwide partners

Please contact us to get direct access to our local partners.

Local partners are available in:

Czech Republic Tel: 0042 077 705 9993
Cyprus Tel: 0035 796 743 635
Australia and New Zealand Tel: 0061 427 404 727
Bahrain Tel: 0097 337 771 800
Greece Tel: 0030 693 735 7365
Holland Tel: 0072 253 2501
India Tel: 0091 797 718 4366
Indonesia Tel: 0036 20 915 6070
Ireland Tel: 0044 750 244 8719
Izrael Tel: 00972 52-688-4182
Lithuania Tel: 00370 65222852
Romania Tel: 0040 721 111 867
Saudi Arabia Tel: 0097 337 77 1800
Ukraine Tel: +380 956467529
USA Tel: +1 (404) 808-2428

R&D Partner Program

We are committed to bring the Resysten technology into the manucfacturing process of various products working together with our partners to ensure that a better, safer products can be built on the production lines. If you are interested, please let us know.